The Rickshaw Girl

August 16th 2021
The Rickshaw Girl

The Rickshaw girl

So I was walking around the plaza in Santa Fe on the 4th of july, and I saw this girl and her rickshaw and decided to get a portrait of her.  I’m a big fan of these candid portraits.  She of course saw me shooting, because I stepped right out into the street to get this direct shot of her.  I frankly think she half enjoyed having her picture taken.  That and I was pretty obvious because I was using my 70-200 with the hood on, so my lens was huge.  Not exactly the kind of lens that is great for staying under the radar.  I had to crop this shot way down, because I didn’t have time to zoom in as much as I wanted to, and I’m still amazed at how clean the shot is after cropping it down so much.  I probably cut out about 2/3’s of the shot.

This shot was taken at 1/1250, IS

O 500, and f/2.8.  Did you really expect that it wouldn’t be at 2.8?  Although after this engagement shoot I had this weekend I realized that I’m going to need to shoot a little more stopped down, just because I’m not getting the kind of DOF that I really need when taking pictures of 2 people at the same time.  You’ll see some of those engagement shots pretty soon.  Post process was nothing intense, just a little saturation, contrast, and sharpening.  But this is pretty much straight out of the camera.

Hope ya like
