Fashion Photographer in Hudson Valley { Cynthia }

August 16th 2021
Fashion Photographer in Hudson Valley { Cynthia }

Fashion Shoot Hudson Valley Cynthia Photography

Yay more fashion work!  I’m so excited to be spending time doing what I really love doing which is fashion photography.  Honestly I get so excited before the shoot, have a blast during it, and I love looking at the shots that come out of my camera on the other end.  I’m really hitting a stride with my photography.  Although I have a shoot coming up this weekend, and it’s size ably out of my comfort zone.  So we’ll see how that goes.  At least I feel like I set expectations accordingly.

Working on all this fashion stuff has really given me the opportunity to start working on my post production skills.  Something that I just don’t have the time to do

when I work on engagements/senior portraits/weddings etc.  I have too many pictures to pick one or two great ones and spend a night working on them.

For this shoot I had a ton of locations scouted, but we only made it through a few of them.  This first shot was at an old abandoned house which was such an interesting location to shoot at.  I really want to talk to whoever owns it and ask if I could use the house for my studio.  I mean if they’re not using it, why the hell can’t I?  It has some great windows in it, that would make for some killer window light shots.

Cynthia and I had a blast shooting a bunch of different stuff.  Even though it was a bit chillier than I’m sure she would have wanted.  I don’t know how she put up with it, but Cynthia was a real trooper, and didn’t complain once.

Hudson Valley Fashion Photography Editorial

This was another shot that I took at that same house.  I was going for that soft vintage look.  Let me know if you think I pulled it off.

Hudson Valley Fashion Photographer in Hudson Valley

This shot cynthia was doing a hell of a good job pulling off some of those great high fashion poses.

Vintage Fashion in Hudson Valley

Hope you guys like them.

Thanks again to Cynthia for helping out with this shoot, and being such a good sport dealing with the chilly weather.
