Hudson Valley Headshot Photographer { Channelle }
Look at me being better about doing writups on my blog. All of these images were shot last springtime, but that’s just how far behind on blogging I am. It’s terrible, I never know what to write about, and I end up yammering on about how much I miss the springtime/summertime. But yeah the summer has finally come. Well spring I guess. And I couldn’t be more excited to get some great shots done this time of year. I’ve got a bunch of shoots lined up that I’m super excited for. I want to make this the year that some of my model portfolio headshots make it into a major agency book. The hard part about that, is that I’ll have to actually start making it out to L.A. or SF more this year. I don’t think that w
ill be all that hard, but it’s something I need to work on.
I love doing headshots for the agencies, but it’s always hard taking that first step. It’s hard picking the right girls, and hoping that the light, and the locations in a foreign city line up with want you want to shoot, because you pretty much only get one shot with an agency, so if you screw it up, there’s no going back. Working with the Hudson Valley agencies isn’t a challenge at this point, just because I have a lot of work posted in their books already, so they’re usually really cool about me shooting their girls. Working with an LA agency on the other hand is going to be much harder. I’m going to have to actually push myself out of my comfort zone this year. Which isn’t going to be an easy task. I love my little bubble and it’s hard to get out of it.