Hudson Valley Portrait Photographer { Brandi Senior Shots }

I took a nice little hiatus this summer with my wedding, my honeymoon and all sorts of other wild and crazy things that were going on this summer.  I did however get the chance to do some senior portraits for my new cousin in law, who by the way, is a total doll.  I don’t really do a ton of senior portraits, but of course I love portrait work.  I also got a chance to learn a ton about my new cousin in law.  She’s interested in acting, and she really wants to go out to NYU for college.

As it’s not really my style I decided not to do any of the shots where she leaned her head on a fake tree.  I tried to do my best to take her senior shots in a more fashion, and edgy direction.

Hudson Valley Portrait Photographer { Symantha Country Music Shoot }

Oye it’s been a while, but I’ve been so busy planning my own wedding it’s a bit hard to shoot other peoples weddings/engagements/portraits.  These shots are from a bit ago, and I’m stoked to finally get to post them.  I had a total blast on this shoot with Symantha.  She came to me wanting some nice portraits for her website/promotional stuff.  She’s a country music singer and wanted a bit of a country look to her portrait session.  I”m not gonna lie, this isn’t the majority of my work.  I mainly do a downtown feel.  I’m an urban guy, and I certainly know the urban scene, and I have an urban eye.  But every time I step out of my comfort zone I l

Food Photographer in Hudson Valley { Grilled Alaskan Salmon }

[![Food Photographer in Hudson Valley Salmon Shoot](/images/blog_images/uploads/5_Salmon-Hudson Valley-Food-Photographer.jpg “Hudson Valley Food Photographer Salmon”)](/images/blog_images/uploads/5_Salmon-Hudson Valley-Food-Photographer.jpg)

Grilled Salmon = Yum.  No Seriously.  I recently had a chance to do a bit of food photography which was a total blast.  I always forget how stressful food is to shoot though.  It’s not easy.  I realize it doesn’t move, it can’t show emotion, but it’s a real challenge to get something that looks nice on a plate without it ending up looking dead and dried out.  I have noticed a recent trend of photographers to get into food photography, but not putting in the hard work it takes to learn how to light food.  Yes I know surprising but it’s complicated to light food.  And also surprising is the fact that you light food a

Engagement Photographer in Hudson Valley { Kelly and Ben }

Who’s wicked behind on posts and has 2 thumbs…. this guy.  I’m super sorry for anyone who tries to keep up with my blog on a regular basis, it’s just been so busy lately.  I’m getting ready for my own wedding if you didn’t know.  Which is a whole stressful world on it’s own, and I’m trying to stay on top of my photography.  Oh and I guess keep my day job.  Juggling these 3 things has become a bit overwhelming, and if something’s going to suffer it’s going to be my blog.  Because while it might help me bring more clients in, I’m sure my clients would rather me spend time working on their CD’s than write a post about their shoot.  So this post is going to be quick.


Hudson Valley Photographers { Rosie + Erik }

Well it’s certainly be a while.  I’ve been so busy between all my different shoots.  As all my engagement couples know though…. engagements are by far my favorite.  I just love portraits so much.  The interaction between the two people about to get married are always so interesting to me.  This couple was no different.  Everyone say high to Rosie and Erik.  These guys were great.  Erik is a barber downtown and Rosie is currently a vet tech.  Here pretty soon though they are going on a hell of a trip.  They are going to move over to Scotland.  Rosie got into some killer vet school in Scotland so they are going to move all the way across the Atlantic.  That s